APROPOS PROHLIS – table theater

Who is the good soul of Prohlis?
What is on their minds?
Together with the directors Christiane Wiegand and Harry Fuhrman from Berlin, missingdots developed a table theater with and for citizens from Prohlis. During a phase of research, different citizens, initiatives, schools, youth centers, op-shops, Die Tafel e.V., etc. were interviewed about the situation in the neighborhood Prohlis. Scenes, which show everyday life in the neighborhood, were developed based on this material. The scenes were staged with interaction of acting, puppet show and object theater at the table. The audience was sitting around the table. Every scene ended with an open question to the audience, so that the people could start a conversation with each other.
Up to 25 table theater scenes were shown at different places in Prohlis.
Based on this project, the following project On the Tracks of the Giant – The Festival was developed.

Idea of concept, development of scenes, direction
Christiane Wiegand, Harry Fuhrmann
Julia Amme, Ilse Bendin, Philipp Grimm, Sven Hönig
Puppet show, object theater  
Marie Bretschneider, Thomas Herbst, Dennis Katzmann
Judith Emödy

Das Projekt wurde im Rahmen von „ZU HAUSE in Prohlis“ und im Rahmen des Projekts „10 x 2025 für 2025“ durch die Stadt Dresden gefördert.
Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz
Cooperation Partner
Societeatstheater Dresden, Quartiersmanagement Prohlis