Julia Pommer

Costume and stage design

Born in Berlin, studied fashion design at the Castle Giebichenstein University for Art and Design in Halle/Saale. Since 2010, she has been working independently, creating conceptual fashion and costume designs for different projects within the fields of fine arts, performing arts and music. She worked at the Deutsches Theater Berlin, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Theater Titanick Leipzig, Staatstheater Meiningen, Volkstheater Wien, Theater Phönix Linz, Hellerau European Center fort he Arts Dresden, Societätstheater Dresden, Staatstheater Schwerin, Landestheater Coburg and Nationaltheater Mannheim.Since 2014, she has been a member oft he geh8 art room and Ateliers e.V. in Dresden, where she produces and presents her independent and artistical work.
Recent projects were theater productions with guts company DER KÖNIGSWEG by Elfriede Jelinek, HEILIG ABEND by Daniel Kehlmanns, direction: Anke Salzmann, both shown at the Societätstheater Dresden, and the artistical movie „YOLA“ by Manuel Frolik.
Foto: Marleen Andreev