What does it mean to enter a theatre room? To be part of a performance, whether as performer on stage or as guests in the audience? To be exposed with the charged tension on a scale from successful to failed? To indulge into the crazy mixture of adrenaline and expectations, to produce authenticity and consume fake?
Three performers are ready. They set everything in motion: physically, vocally and emotionally, in order to reach their audience with artistic means. They want to reach the musculus arrector pili – they go below the skin. Not with the one big drama, but with different performative exercise units. They jump into their tracksuits and get going as touch machines. They overspend theirselves up to physical and emotional exhaustion. What for? To touch you. missingdots works in this constellation for the first time. The artistic team goes from sense of touch with discussions about touch to production strategies, that create a goosebump moment.

Premiere 04.03.2022 HELLERAU Europäisches Zentrum der Künste
further shows events

Artistic collective
concept: Julia Amme and Nora Otte
play development, direction: Nora Otte
Julia Amme
Helena Fernandino
Magdalena Weniger

costume and stage design: Steffi Rehberg
light design: Martin Mulik
research participation: Katharina Bill
production assistant: Freya Gemeiner

Fonds Darstellende Künste #takeAction
Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz
Cooperation partner
HELLERAU Europäisches Zentrum der Künste
Villa Wigman für TANZ e.V.


One room, two projectors, three hoardings, 14 pieces of luggage made from 42 Euro-Norm boxes. It smells like different homes. Does that even exist in plural form? Two performers take us along their way. Where are we going, what are we leaving when we go, what are we taking and what will be unnecessary? We come across borders. We arrive. Have we arrived when we forget about our past or if we can write an error-free letter to the pension insurance?
missingdots takes the audience along the way through an interactive room installation and invites to sensually take part in different aspects of migration, like crossing borders, arriving and meeting people.

Premiere 25.09.2020 at Societaetstheater Dresden

Artistic Collective
Julia Amme
Performance-Dance Helena Fernandino
Fine Arts Svea Duwe
Production/Dramaturgy  Katja Heiser
Videoprojection Franziska & Sophia Hoffmann
Sounddesign Nils Michael Weishaupt
Photos Julis Zimmermann
Video ravirfilm

Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz
Wir Gestalten Dresden #kunsttrotzcorona
Cooperation Partner
Societaetstheater Dresden


‘It is, I cannot describe it any differently, a pointlessness which also enters words and leaves them without meaning. Something natural gets destroyed. The normal process, the safety, of putting my feelings and experiences into words is broken.

Dea Loher/speech to the awarding of the Bertolt Brecht Award, 2006

When language is not enough anymore to put experiences into words, when art has reached its limits – and then? After her travels through the war marked Afghanistan in 2005, the dramatist Dea Loher describes that state: ‘It is, I cannot describe it any differently, a pointlessness which also enters words and leaves them without meaning.’ The artist collective missingdots shows an interdisciplinary performance over the loss of naturalness.

Premiere: 20.02.2020 | HELLERAU European Centre of the Arts
Acting: Julia Amme
Fine arts: 
Svea Duwe
Kristin Mente
Choreography: Nora Schott
Nora Otte
Light design:
Martin Mulik
Photos: René Zieger

Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz Dresden
Collaboration partner:
HELLERAU European Centre for the Arts